πŸ’―πŸ”žSlay queen mistakenly leaks naked video and is trending the internetπŸ”₯πŸ”ž

 Girl from a popular town in Ghana has mistakenly leaked her video on the internet and it is the most talked Click here to watch the video πŸ”žπŸ”₯ about leak in the past few days some of them have gotten it but it has been deleted You're lucky to watch this leaked video the link up will tell you how to watch and download the video on this site that's in the link above  It's the most talked about and it's really tending fast more than you could expect a viral video to trend πŸ”₯πŸ”ž

Angry Man Attacks Barber After He Was Charged Ghc 30 For ‘Sakora’ Haircut – Video

 A Ghanaian man attacked his barber after he charged him Ghc 30 for a simple sakora haircut.

Ghana is going to the gutters! Things have become so hard it’s difficult to see how anyone survives unless you’re a politician, shady businessman or fraudster.

Prices of goods and services keep rising day by day and no one has any interest to do anything about it!

The politicians would rather steal as much as they can and leave the people to their fate.

Click here to watch the video of the trending issues

A Ghanaian man got the shock of his life after getting a simple haircut and being charged Ghc 30.

He started ranting and verbally accosted the barber for charging too much. 

He started ranting and verbally accosted the barber for charging too much.

He said the barber can only do that because there are no laws or structures in place to check such things.

The video of the man attacking the barber has gone viral due to being both funny and sad at the same time 


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